Your days of being overworked & underpaid in your business are finally over

Grow your business, profits, and bank account

The High Profit Society is a community of women creating financial health and freedom through profitable, sustainable business growth.

In this one-of-a-kind community, you will get the tools and support you need to grow your money, reach higher profits, have more CEO pay, and implement a wealth-creation strategy that you carry out with confidence. 


Making great money from your business is going to put you on the path to FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE


Financial independence means you don't have to rely on anyone else to live life on your terms - whether it’s an employer, client, or partner. You have a choice in what you do every day, the skillset to make more money whenever you want, income hitting your bank account without treading your time for it, and complete control over how you spend your days. You have the freedom to spend money on things that matter to you and to spend time with the people you love.

The High Profit Society is for YOU - the business owner who's ready to make more money and start building wealth without sacrificing your peace and joy. You're ready to make a consistent income to replace the paycheck you got in your corporate days, save money and pay down debt, and lay the foundation for generational wealth.

But it’s hard to feel confident about your path to wealth when you’re constantly chasing the next sale - if you step away from your laptop, the money stops flowing. So you keep chasing more clients and the cycle just keeps repeating itself lIke it’s Groundhog Day.

You doubt you’ll ever be able to get ahead when the income you earn in your business is so inconsistent. Some months, you set some money aside… only to have to use it all up the next month to pay the bills because you didn’t get any new referrals.

You feel overwhelmed and out of your depth when it comes to understanding how to increase your profits while also growing your business... without wanting to throw your laptop out the window because you’re already working all hours of the day.

You’re beyond ready to get out of the day-to-day, but how do you hire help when you need more sales to afford them? And how do you make more sales without hiring help? Let’s not even get started on the time it’ll take to train them…

You’re posting and praying on social media but not getting good leads, and to grow faster you can’t just rely on referrals (right??). Maybe you need new offers, or lower prices, or a better sales script, or to start a podcast, or dance on TikTok, or…

And “financial freedom” feels so far away when you check your bank account and see that all that hard work you’ve put in STILL hasn’t paid off… so you push back that relaxing vacation or new car you’ve had your eye on yet again.


Real talk

It's time to start thinking like a Millionaire.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day that it's hard to step back and think BIGGER. Sometimes you need to put yourself in rooms where people push you to step outside your comfort zone. Sometimes you need to let go of your old identity and the busy-ness, and start doing something different.

Here's what's waiting for you when you start acting like the millionaire version of yourself:

  • You'll go all in on your biggest dreams and won't look back as you continue to evolve into a Millionaire CEO who takes time for herself unapologetically.
  • You'll stop stressing about inconsequential things and focus on your energy on the big picture stuff that moves the needle.
  • You'll feel unstoppable and show up as the most confident version of yourself as you take your business to the next level without running yourself into the ground.

I'm here to tell you that you absolutely CAN build a sustainable, profitable business that pays you a CEO-worthy paycheck and supports your dream life.

A successful, easeful business isn’t built on complicated strategies, by copying what everyone else is doing, or by chasing vanity metrics.


Was that a full-body exhale I just felt coming through your screen? Ahhhh... 

No more skipping paychecks and living from one sale to the next, wondering if you‘d be better off finding a salaried job instead of continuing to spin your wheels as you work yet another weekend.

No more trying strategy after strategy with no profit, stressing about inconsistent cash flow every time you check your bank account and wondering if you’ll be able to afford to send your kids to the school you want them to attend or have to put off that vacation you’ve been dreaming about for ages.

No more sitting with your head buried in your laptop for 40+ hours a week and wondering why sales are stagnant, doubting you’ll ever be as “successful” as all those creators you see on social media.


 Your High Profit Roadmap is Here 


You will build a profitable + sustainable business by implementing a straightforward growth plan focused on:

➡ Profitable, scalable offers and marketing strategies that grow your revenue

Envision a simple and easeful growth plan that creates consistent cash flow. Use the High Profit Roadmap we have inside HPS to identify your exact next steps to take your business from $0 to $5K months, $5K to $10K months, and $10K months to $20-50K+ months. Feel confident in your skills, knowing you can make more money any time the desire strikes.

➡ Team, systems, and pricing to grow your profits

A sustainable + scalable business is a profitable business. Create healthy profit margins and a more consistent CEO paycheck while getting control of your time. Put more energy into needle-moving activities and be more present for your loved ones with the right team and systems.

➡ Money and mindset work to grow your bank account

Create a wealth plan that leads you to financial independence. Grow your business without fear and doubt, and increase your capacity for making bigger and bigger dollar amounts every month. Create clear financial goals and set up solid financial foundations to become a better steward for the money you earn from your business and start saving and investing $10K-100K each year.

Which is exactly what I did to go from burned out solopreneur to successful agency owner and millionaire.

I've put my best business and money tools and resources for creating and growing a highly profitable business inside the High Profit Society. 

So step inside, pull up a chair, and let's get to work creating your profit plan. After you create your plan, I'll point you to the trainings you need to focus on first. You'll implement your plan one step at a time with support from the community, monthly trainings and Q&As, and our group challenges. And you'll update your plan every quarter in our Quarterly Planning Days to keep making progress quarter after quarter!


Meet Your Expert

Here's my story...

I’m an agency owner, millionaire, investor, mentor, business & money coach, wife, and mom.

But I haven’t always had my stuff together - just over 10 years ago, I walked away from an 8 year, mentally abusive relationship with $55,000 in debt - more than my annual salary at the time - and less than $1,000 to my name.

I threw myself into building my career (and put all of my self-worth into it too), and climbed the corporate ladder crazy fast while paying down my debt. But when I became pregnant with my son, I realized that there was more to life than the grind.

So I went out on my own… and quickly fell back into those same patterns of overworking and not prioritizing my health, relationships, or fun in my business.

Eventually, all that stress started taking a toll on my body and I had to make a change to the way I ran my business - which resulted in me 4Xing my revenue in one year, building a dream team, and making enough money to allow my husband to leave the corporate world too while also working less and being able to prioritize my life outside of work.

Growing your business in a profitable, sustainable way that creates financial freedom for you and your family starts with a clear growth strategy that you’re confident in. I’m all about simple business models and working less to earn more - and I created the High Profit Society so you can learn how to do that in your business too!


You can't HUSTLE your way out of a poor relationship with money.

Are You Ready For More?

How Would It Feel To...

  • Cash in your first $30K month knowing that $15K will go DIRECTLY into your personal account
  • Go all in and have complete confidence and clarity in your plan to make more money and level up to your next stage of business
  • Have more balance in your time so you have more energy for your family, health, and fun
  • Let go of overly-complicated business strategies and instead focus on a simple and sustainable framework for growth
  • Be excited to show up to your business every day and live out your biggest dreams
  • Be empowered to make bigger, bolder moves in your business like the CEO you know you can be

The High Profit Society


A community of women creating financial health & freedom through profitable, sustainable business growth

Grow your business, your profits, and your bank account.


Monthly Trainings

Every month we’ll have a new training go live for all members! You’ll learn from Sarah and other experts on business, money, and mindset topics to help you grow your business, profits, and bank account. 

Monthly Live Hot Seat Calls

We have live hot seat calls every month hosted by Sarah or the expert teaching that month so you can get your questions answered and implement what you learn in your business!

Private Slack Community

Collab + community with other CEOs! Get support and feedback from Sarah & team on the go. Post your wins, celebrate your cohort, get support with implementing the program or with your money mindset.

Group Challenges

We'll have two to three group challenges and sprints every year so we can cheer each other on! Previous challenges have been focused on visibility, building monthly recurring revenue, and generating leads.

Your High Profit Roadmap

Your first assignment will be the High Profit Roadmap, where you'll work through my process to create a custom growth strategy and 90-day plan to increase your revenue and take home 30-50% of sales as profits.

Quarterly Planning Days

Once per quarter, we’ll have a planning retreat! We’ll meet virtually and walk through the High Profit Roadmap framework to map out your next 90 days so you can keep making progress toward your goals month after month.

Scaling Made Simple

Scale your business to $20-50K+ months with high ticket offers! As an HPS member, you get free access to this program that’ll walk you through my 3-part framework for creating and selling high ticket offers, valued over $5K!

Money Momentum

As an HPS member, you also get free access to my Money Momentum program, which will teach you how to set up your financial systems so you can consistently save $10-100K in cash from your business year after year. Valued over $2K!

Mindset & Energetics

Mindset and energy work is something that you'll hear mentioned throughout all our trainings. We all have money stories and shame that we carry - so you'll learn how to rewire those stories so you can increase your capacity for making and keeping more money!

Marketing & Sales Strategies

Learn the super-simple and straightforward marketing and sales strategies you need to grow a sustainable business! Once you have your offers nailed down, you'll need to bring in leads and convert them into paying clients to create more consistent cash flow and increase your revenue.

Team & Systems

As your business grows, you'll need to hire the right team members and make sure your systems and processes run smoothly. Inside the membership, we have trainings on hiring, training, paying, and managing a team, plus systems best practices and templates! 

Time Management & CEO Skills

How do you grow your business without working more hours? By learning how to manage your calendar, boundaries, and business like a CEO. We've got tactics and strategies for growing your leadership skills right alongside your business.


want more hands-on support?

Become a High Profit VIP


Want more tailored and hands-on support? Then join with an annual membership (or stay for 12 months) and you’ll get…

✨ Monthly VIP hot seat group coaching calls (in addition to the HPS training and Q&A calls) for tailored support and hot seat coaching.
✨ Our private VIP Slack channel is also there to provide you with prioritized support and extra voice notes from Sarah on topics relevant to our VIPs. 
✨ Unlock our vault of advanced business & wealth trainings immediately!


The High Profit Society is for you if:

➡ You're a service provider, coach, consultant, or online business owner making $0 to $500K in revenue whose ultimate goal is time and financial freedom

Having 6 and 7 figures of money in the bank might feel far off now, but you're ready to take your next steps toward building wealth. You've looking to grow to at least 6 or multi-6 figures in annual revenue, and you want to do it profitably so you can make a bigger impact on your family and build the life you dreamed of when you started your business.

 ➡ You're ready to grow your business and earn more money without working yourself into the ground

You know that $100K in sales isn't the end goal, but you don't know how to manage all the moving parts of your business to grow beyond that level. The idea of having to take on even more clients to bring in more revenue is so overwhelming when you're already working all. the. time. You're ready for a simple and sustainable growth strategy that won't require you to bring on hundreds of clients or work 80 hours a week - your family and your health are important to you too!

 ➡ You know that to build wealth, you need to focus on more than just sales, but you've never thought of yourself as "good at money." You aren't sure how to build a profitable business and pay yourself more, let alone start saving & investing.

Listen, there are too many programs out there that promise to help you grow your profits and wealth but don't deliver! In addition to running a 7-figure agency myself, I'm also a CPA, money pro, millionaire, and investor. My mission is to create more female millionaires, so I'm not going to stop at teaching you business strategies inside the High Profit Society! You'll also learn how to manage your money and your mindset so you can keep more of what you earn and start saving and investing.

 ➡ You may have money stories and shame that are holding you back, but you're ready to let them go and feel more easeful and confident when it comes to growing your business and bank account.

Sometimes we tell ourselves the same stories for so long we forget we have the option to choose something else. Sometimes those stories become part of our identity, and our brains literally become addicted to the drama we create in our minds. If you want to successfully grow a 6+ figure business and save 5 & 6 figures a year, you need to be ready to change your identity around money and choose a different story (and get additional support from a licensed therapist when the situation warrants it). You'll hear us frequently reference your mindset and reframing the thoughts and behaviors that aren't serving you so you can embody the millionaire version of yourself!



Once you learn how to grow your business sustainably & profitably, you will increase your capacity for more money flowing into your bank account and will reach financial independence YEARS faster.  

Inside HPS, you will have access to a growing content library for business and money education, monthly training calls and live Q&As, challenges, a community of women growing together, and more.

The doors to The High Profit Society are open 24/7! Once you join, you’ll get started with the On Ramp that guides you through creating your High Profit Roadmap. Next, you’ll dive into the training library to implement your roadmap and get support with our monthly Q&As and Slack community!


Your Investment

Monthly payments of


3 month commitment

  • Immediate access to the HPS content library and templates
  • New trainings every month
  • Live hot seat call every month with Sarah
  • Group challenges and community support

Annual pay-in-full


Get 2 months free + VIP Access!

  • Everything in the monthly plan, plus
  • Get 2 months free with the best rate available!
  • Extra monthly hot seat coaching call and Slack channel for VIP clients! 
  • Unlock advanced business & wealth trainings immediately

Frequently Asked Questions