The CEO Shift

Scale Your Business to $20-50K+ Months and Transform from Solo to CEO


A free 3-day mini course for service providers, coaches, and consultants ready to scale their business to multi-6 and 7 figures with the simplest business model there is - high ticket offers!

What if scaling your business to $20-50K+ months and stepping fully into your role as CEO didn’t need to be so hard?

How would it feel to work with fewer clients, have a high-performing team, and take home a consistent six figure CEO paycheck while working part-time hours because you no longer have to grind day in and day out in client work?

How would it feel to no longer have to hustle for more and more sales while paying yourself peanuts, and instead feel confident that you know exactly what to do in the next 90 days to put yourself on a trajectory to building real wealth from your business?

The absolute BEST way for women to build financial freedom is to grow a business that's profitable and sustainable - that affords you the time and money to continue investing in your business AND take care of your personal health and relationships.

Implementing a high ticket offer that stacks your monthly recurring revenue and allows you to hire a lean dream team and become a true CEO is the absolute best - and fastest - way to build that business.

In my free 3-Day CEO Shift Mini Course, I'll walk you through my step-by-step process for scaling a simple, highly profitable business on part-time hours that doesn’t require you to post 3X a day on social media, live launch, or run paid ads to get clients (unless you want to!).
You’ll finally start feeling excited and abundant about your business again like the CEO you know you’re meant to be.



🗓 Day 1: The Six Figure Paycheck Business Model 
This pre-recorded training will drop by Sept 16
Learn the key elements you need to scale your business and profits quickly with the simplest business model there is that’s ideal for service providers, coaches, and consultants who want to take home five figures a month from their business.

🗓 Day 2: The Offers, Team, and Systems You Need to Scale to Multi 6-7 Figures Profitably
This pre-recorded training will drop by Sept 17
Identify your unique expertise that you can charge a premium for and leverage that to scale a lean & profitable business, even if you aren’t sure how you can charge a higher price for your services right now.

🗓 Day 3 (LIVE!): The 3-Part Framework to Scaling a Simple, Profitable Business on Part-Time Hours
Live training with Q&A!!! September 18 at 1pm ET on Zoom
Learn how to create offers your clients will line up to buy, find your next 5 clients without posting daily on social media, live launches, or paid ads, and scale to $20-50K+ monthly recurring revenue in the next 6 months.


This mini course is for you if…

✨ You’re a female coach, service provider, consultant, or online business owner whose ultimate goal is time and financial freedom.
✨ You're tired of hustling for more clients all the time and would love to work less and earn more money, but you aren’t sure how you could possibly do that with your current business structure.
✨ You’re ready to grow your business to the next level and pay yourself a CEO paycheck that’s 30-50% of your revenue, even if your cash flow isn’t very consistent right now
✨ You’d love to take home more money, but don’t want to grow your business if it means posting 3 times a day on social media, live launching, or running paid ads.
✨ You’re willing to commit 30 to 60 minutes per day for 3 days to implement real change to your business strategy to grow your revenue AND profits.

This mini course is NOT for you if…

🚫 You’re brand new to entrepreneurship and haven’t sold your own original offer yet - this mini course won't cover starting a business from scratch. But you're welcome to join even if you've only made a few sales! 
🚫 You’re looking for a magic wand strategy that promises to grow your business overnight without putting in the work - I don't prescribe to any get-rich-quick schemes or overnight successes. Building a profitable, sustainable business takes time and energy to get right!
🚫 You’re not ready to admit that you need to make a change to the way you run your business - but if you've realized that what you're doing isn't working and won't be sustainable for years to come (let alone sustaining as you grow to the next level!) then join to create your growth strategy to make more money without working 40+ hours a week.

All The Details You Need To Know

The CEO Shift Mini Course will walk you step-by-step through scaling your service-based business to $20-50K+ months with a high ticket offer!

âś… Days 1 and 2 will be prerecorded trainings that you can watch or listen to on a podcast feed
✅ Day 3 will be taught live by Sarah on Zoom, and we’ll have time for Q&A to answer all your questions about scaling your business with a high ticket offer
✅ You’ll also get a Google Doc version of the trainings to refer back to later
✅ Bonuses and surprises for attending the live training!

If you’re ready to

Make more money while working
less hours

Scale your business with more peace and ease

And finally experience the freedom you’ve always wanted



Meet Your Business-Savvy Big Sister

I’m an agency owner, millionaire, investor, mentor, business & money coach, wife, and mom.

But I haven’t always had my shit together - just 10 years ago, I walked away from an 8 year, mentally abusive relationship with $55,000 in debt - more than my annual salary at the time - and less than $1,000 to my name.

I threw myself into building my career (and put all of my self-worth into it too), and climbed the corporate ladder crazy fast while paying down my debt. But when I became pregnant with my son, I realized that there was more to life than the corporate grind.

So I went out on my own… and quickly fell back into those same patterns in my business.

Eventually, all that stress started taking a toll on my body and I had to make a change to the way I ran my business - which resulted in me 4Xing my revenue in one year, building a dream team, and making enough money to allow my husband to leave the corporate world too. All from implementing my first high ticket client and landing a client who paid us $4K/month (and is still a client, over three years later!).

Growing your business in a profitable, sustainable way that creates financial freedom for you and your family starts with a clear business plan that you’re confident in. I’m all about simple business models and working less to earn more - so come join me in my free mini course if you’re ready for that too!