95: Three Ways to Pay Yourself $100K This Year

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If you’re reading this, I’m calling it: this is the year you pay yourself a six figure salary as the CEO of your business. In this episode, I cover how to overcome the mindset blocks around paying yourself more, the terms you need to understand to calculate your numbers, and how to reach that $100 paycheck depending on your business model.

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Ready to scale your business to secure your $100K paycheck? Apply for my Scaling Made Simple program! If you pay in full for the program in January 2024, you’ll get a BONUS 2-hour 1:1 strategy session with me!

Links Mentioned: 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

0:00 Avoiding getting burned out by your business
6:25 Thinking bigger about what your business can do for you
11:06 The financial terms and benchmarks you need to understand
16:51 The high-ticket, low-expense model
19:08 The Medium- to high-ticket services with a team model
21:19 The Low- to medium-ticket services model

If you love the podcast, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts and share with a friend! This helps me share more knowledge with people like you so they can become more financially literate, create more profit in their business, and feel more financially stable and secure. Click here and scroll to the bottom to leave a review and make sure to let me know what you're finding the most helpful!
I’m Sarah Young - an entrepreneur, investor, and millionaire mentor for female founders! I have over a decade of experience in helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses and build wealth at the 6- and 7-figure levels, in addition to building my own successful agency, and I started the Profit + Prosper podcast to help you do the same.
Profit + Prosper will help you make more money, save more money, and set yourself up to retire early while upgrading your life - all in a way that’s fun and empowering. In each episode, I’ll share tactical, strategic, and mindset tips to grow your business, increase your profit, and truly prosper in your business and in life. I hope you’ll subscribe so we can Profit + Prosper together!
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Build wealth & become work optional - without sacrificing your life today

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